
Japanese Gourmet

Japanese Gourmet / Japanese Style Spaghetti / たらこのパスタ

Hi, this is Yuyujin. I went to eat spaghetti with my son and mother last weekend. The spaghetti restaurant is very popu...
For Traveler

Japanese for Travelers / Train system in Japan

Hi, this is Yuyujin. The train system in Tokyo is convenient. But it might be complicated for foreign travelers. Th...
Japanese Attraction

Tourist Attractions in Japan / the State Guest House / Geihinkan げいひんかん

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Today I went Geihinkan(げいひんかん), the State Guest House at Tokyo with my son. Geihinkan is an o...
Basic Japanese

Japanese Basics / Looks like Idol / Aidoru Mitain Desu / アイドルみたいです。

Hi, this is Yuyujin. I introduce "look like" or "sound like" in Japanese. Let's get started. The basic pattern of...

Cherry Blossom Flowering / Kaika Sengen / かいかせんげん

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Today it is officially announced that the cherry trees are in blooms at Kouchi castle. Kouchi c...
Basic Japanese

“Because” in Japanese / Takai Node Kaenai / たかいのでかえない

Hi, this is Yuyujin. We sometimes need to show reason. This time lesson is "Because" in Japanese. Let's get started...
Basic Japanese

“Try” in Japanese/ Tabete Temimasu / たべてみます

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Today's lesson is little bit advanced one. I introduce "Try" or "Try out" in Japanese. Let's g...
Basic Japanese

“When” in Japanese / Kaze No Toki / かぜのとき

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Today's topics is "When" in Japanese. Let's get started. The basic patter of "When" in Japan...
Japanese Culture

White Day in Japan/ Origin of White Day / ホワイトデーのきげん

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Do you enjoy to study Japanese? There are some stories about White Day origin. There are thr...
Japanese Culture

Ohanami in Japan / Ohanami is not yet./ おはなみはまだです。

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Today I walked around at Kitanomaru Park, a part of Imperial palace, in Tokyo. I found some kin...
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