Japanese Gourmet / Japanese Style Spaghetti / たらこのパスタ

Japanese Gourmet

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

I went to eat spaghetti with my son and mother last weekend.
The spaghetti restaurant is very popular.
The day also it was clouded.

One foreign person and a Japanese couple shared a table.
His spaghetti came first.
And he said to the couple “Taberu Daijyoubu? (たべる だいじょうぶ).
He wanted to say “Is is fine for you that I have it before you?”
It is fine enough to understand what he wanted to say.

“Taberu(たべる)” means “eat”.
It is a verb.
“Daijyoubu(だいじょうぶ)” means “OK”.
It is an adjective.
Proper Japanese is
“Tabetemo Daijyoubu Desu Ka( たべてもだいじょうぶですか。)”
“Osaki Ni Itadaitemo Yoroshii Desu Ka( おさきにいただいてもよろしいですか。)”

“Osaki Ni(おさきに)” means “before you”.

Anyway today I would like to introduce Japanese style spaghetti.

There are various types of noodles in Japan.
“Soba(そば)” is buckwheat noodles.
“Udon(うどん)” is Japanese wheat noodles.
“Ramen(ラーメン)” is originally Chinese noodles.
But it has completely evolved to different things.

There are specified restaurants for each kind of noodles.
“Sobaya(そばや)” is “Soba( そば)” restaurants.
“Udonya(うどんや)” is “Udon(うどん)” restaurants.
“Ramenya(ラーメンや)” is “Ramen(ラーメン)” restaurants.

Each categories have various type restaurants.
“Udon(うどん)” has western Japanese style, “Kansaifu(かんさいふう)” , eastern Japanese style, “Kantofu(かんとうふう)” and other area styles.
“Kansaifu(かんさいふう)” uses kelp Dashi, “Konbudashi(こんぶだし).
The soup is transparent and tastes soft salty.
And “Kantofu(かんとうふう)” uses bonito flakes Dashi, “Katsuodashi(かつおだし)”.
The soup looks dark and tastes salty.
Western Japanese, “Kansaijin(かんさいじん)”, surprise that color when they see it first.

There are a lot of kinds of Ramen style.
“Miso Ramen(みそラーメン)” has soy paste, “Miso(みそ)”, based soup.
“Shouyu Ramen(しょうゆラーメン)” has soy source, “Shouyu(しょうゆ)”, based soup.
“Tonkotsu Ramen(とんこつラーメン)” has pork bone dashi soup.

Japanese really like noodles.
And Japanese like evolving things.

Spaghetti comes from outside of Japan.
In my childhood spaghetti was not so familiar in Japan.
Now there are a lot of spaghetti restaurants.
Of course the spaghetti restaurants serve Italian style spaghetti.
And they serve a lot of Japanese style spaghetti.

Here is the menu of the spaghetti restaurant where I went to with my family.
They have more than 50 kinds of spaghetti.

There are garlic based spaghetti, shoyu based spaghetti, white source spaghetti, salad spaghetti and so on.

The most popular spaghetti here is “Tarako Uni Ika spaghetti(たらこうにイカスパゲッティ)”.
“Tarako(たらこ)” is cod roe.
“Uni(うに)” is sea urchin.
“Ika(イカ)” is squid.
It tastes salty that comes from “Tarako(たらこ)” and “Uni(うに)”.
The taste is deep and tasty.

And when you have a chance, I really recommend “Kaki Shouyu Butter spaghetti(かきしょうゆバタースパゲッティ)”.
“Kaki(かき)” is oyster.
It is fantastic taste.
It matches “Shouyu Butter(しょうゆバター)” taste very much.

And if you like “Natto(なっとう)”, I recommend “Natto  spaghetti(なっとうスパゲッティ)”.
It is “Shoyu(しょうゆ)” based spaghetti.
It has “Natto(なっとう)” and sometime “Okura(おくら)” , “Konbu(こんぶ)”.
Slim cut seaweed is on it.
It is very Japanese style.

The restaurant “Hashiya(ハシヤ)” whose menu is attached is located near Yoyogi park.
But it will close soon.
Their Shinjyuku branch is here.
Hashiya (ハシヤ) is a famous for “Tarako Uni Ika spaghetti(たらこうにイカスパゲッティ)”.

If you want to have “Natto spaghetti(なっとうスパゲッティ)”, try here, “Supagettata(すぱげったぁた)”.
It is a small spaghetti restaurant.
But the taste is good.

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Enjoy Japanese dishes.


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