Basic Japanese

The Various Readings of Kanji in Japanese Language

Learning Japanese can be a fascinating and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. O...
Japanese Attraction

Jindaiji Temple | Enjoying History, Delicious Dumplings, and Soba

Let me introduce you to Jindaiji Temple, located in Choufu City, Tokyo. Jindaiji Temple is a magnificent place where Ja...
Japanese Attraction

Exploring Ginza | Shopping, Dining, and the Charm of Pedestrian Paradise

Ginza Introduction: Located in the heart of Tokyo, Ginza is one of Japan's most luxurious and bustling areas. With i...
Japanese Attraction

Jindai Botanical Gardens | A Paradise of Nature and Floral Beauty

Jindai Botanical Gardens I would like to introduce you to Jindai Botanical Garden located in Mitaka, Tokyo. This par...
Basic Japanese

How to Convey Location in Japanese | 日本語で場所を伝える方法

If you're learning Japanese, it's important to know how to express location in various situations, whether you're askin...
Basic Japanese

Asking for Directions in Japan | 道の尋ね方

How to Ask for Directions in Japan Whether you're a tourist or a newcomer, asking for directions is an essential ski...
Japanese Culture

Seasonal Greetings | 時候の挨拶

About Japanese Seasonal Greetings In Japanese correspondence, it is customary to begin with a seasonal greeting, kno...
Basic Japanese

Climate Expressions | 天候の表現

I will introduce Climate Expressions in Japanese. Japanese language has various expressions to describe the weather ...
Basic Japanese

Expression of color | 色の表現

Japanese is a language rich in cultural nuances and traditions, and its color expressions reflect this. From the basic ...
Basic Japanese

Expression of taste | 味の表現

Tasting food and describing its flavor is an important part of Japanese cuisine. Japanese people have a sophisticated ...
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