White Day in Japan/ Origin of White Day / ホワイトデーのきげん

Japanese Culture
Hi, this is Yuyujin.
Do you enjoy to study Japanese?
There are some stories about White Day origin.
There are three stories on Japanese Wikipedia.
Fujiya/Eiwa Opinion (ふじや・エイワ せつ)
Fujiya, a Japanese confectionery company, advertised their sweets as “Return Valentine”.
It started a camping to sell marshmallows with Eiwa, another confectionery company, on 14th March from 1973.
Ishimuramanseido Opinion (いしむらまんせいどう せつ)

Ishimuramanseido is an old confectionery shop of marshmallows.
The president saw the comment wanting marshmallows in return of Valentine’s Day on a girl’s comic magazine.
He was inspired by the comment and started to sell chocolates covered Marshall.
The concept is ” I return chocolate you gave wrapped with my kindness (marshmallow)”.
Ishimuramanseido started “Marshmallow Day” on 14th March on 1978 with Iwataya department store.
From 1980s the name was changed to “White Day” by a request of department stores.
You can see the story on their official page.

The National Confectionery Industry Association Opinion
(ぜんこくあめかしこうぎょうきょうどうくみあい せつ)
The National Confectionery Industry Association started “Candy Gift Day” on 1978.
It changed the name as “White Day” on 1980.
You can see the story on their official page.

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good White Day!


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