Hi, this is Yuyujin.
We sometimes need to show reason.
This time lesson is “Because” in Japanese.
Let’s get started.

The basic pattern of “Because” in Japanese is
ANode B (AのでB)
A Kara B (AからB)
This sentence means “B because A.”
Here A is reason and B is a main sentence.
A Node B (AのでB)
A Kara B (AからB)
“Node(ので)” and “Kara(から)” is same.
Samui Node Watashi Wa Koto Wo Kiru
Samui Kara Watashi Wa Koto Wo Kiru
I wear a coat because it is cold.
Kore Wa Takai Node Watashi Wa Kaemasen
Kore Wa Takai Kara Watashi Wa Kemasen
I can’t buy this because it is expensive.
Here “Takai(たかい)” means expensive.
Another “Takai(たかい)” meaning is “high” or “tall”.
Kaze Ga Tsuyoi Node Soto Wa Samui
Kaze Ga Tsuyoi Kara Soto Wa Samui
The outdoor is cold because wind is strong.
Kono Gemu Wa Omoshiroi Node Yamerarenai
Kono Gemu Wa Omoshiroi Kara Yamerarenai
I can’t stop this video game because it is interesting.
When you want to ask the reason, you can say
A Nowa Naze Desu Ka
Why A?
The answer is
B Kara Desu
Because B.
A Nowa Naze Desu Ka (Aのはなぜですか。)
Have a good trip!