
Basic Japanese

Japanese that Japanese don’t know / 日本人の知らない日本語

Hi, this is Yuyujin.   How are you? Do you enjoy studying Japanese?   Recently I find a very interesting TV drama. It is...
Japanese Culture

How long have you had a New Year’s holiday in your country?

Hi, this is Yuyujin.   How were your New Year Holidays? This year we have very long new year holidays in Japan. So...
Basic Japanese

New Year’s Greetings in Japanese / 新年のあいさつ

  Hi, this is Yuyujin.   A Happy New Year! Today I would like to introduce New Year’s Greetings in Japanese. Let’...
Japanese Culture

New Year’s Visit to a Shinto shrine in Japan / 初詣

  Hi, this is Yuyujin. A Happy New Year! How is your new year day?   It was a beautiful and fine day today in Tok...
Japanese Culture

New Year Decoration in Japan / お正月飾り

Hi, this is Yuyujin.A Happy New Year!Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasuあけましておめでとうございます。How is your new year day?I will introd...
Japanese Culture

Year-End Decoration in Akihabara

Hi, this is Yuyujin. I went to Akihabara to find a new gadget. There were a lot of foreign tourists , Otaku and Ma...
Japanese Culture

Year-End in Japan / 日本の年末

Hi, this is Yuyujin.How about your Xmas holiday?I like this season in Japan.Till Xmas a town in Japan is decorated for X...
Japanese Attraction

Autumn Leaves in Tokyo/ 東京の紅葉

Hi,this is Yuyujin.   This year winter in Japan is warmer than ever. But recently it gets colder and colder. At last...
Japanese Gourmet

Conveyor Belt Sushi / 回転寿司

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Do you enjoy studying Japanese? This weekend I went to eat Sushi at a conveyor belt sushi restaur...

Foreign Language is scary. / Trip in Korea

Hi this is Yuyujin. Last week I went South Korea. This is the second time for me. I have been to Pusan last time. ...
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