Japanese postpositional particle / Onsen E Iku / I go to Onsen

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

Today’s lesson is the 2nd lesson of Japanese postpositional particles.
Today’s postpositional particles are “E(へ)” and “Ni(に)”.
“E(へ)” and “Ni(に)” is much easier than “Wa(は)” and “Ga(が)”

“Ni(に)” has some differences but both postpositional particles show the direction or the arrival point to move.

Onsen E Iku
I go to Onsen.

Onsen Ni Iku
I go to Onsen.

Here “Onsen(おんせん)” is the arrival point to visit.

Let’s get started.

“Noun + E(へ)” and “Noun + Ni(に)”

Basically there is no difference between “E(へ)” and “Ni(に)” when we use both postpositional particle to show the direction.

Watashi Wa Onsen E Iku
I go to Onsen.

Watashi Wa Onsen Ni Iku
I go to Onsen.

Kao Wo Migi E Mukeru
I move my face to the right.

Kao Wo Migi Ni Mukeru
I move my face to the right.

Here “Migi(みぎ)” is the direction.

Te Wo Ue E Ageru
I raise my hands up.

Te Wo Ue Ni Ageru
I raise my hands up.

Here “Ue(うえ)” is also the direction.

Watashi Wa Puresento Wo Kanojyo E Ageru
I give a present to her.

Watashi Wa Puresento Wo Kanojyo Ni Ageru
I give a present to her.

Here “Kanojyo(かのじょ)” is the arrival point that the present move to.

The small difference of “Ni(に)” is that  “Ni(に)” can describe the result of moving.

Hon Ga Tukue No Ue Ni Aru
A book exists on the desk.

Here “Ue(うえ)” is the result of the book moving.
The book is moved somehow and then the book exists on the desk.

In this case we can not use “E(へ)”

Watashi Wa Daigakusei Ni Naru
I become an university student.

Here “Daigakusei(だいがくせい)” is the result of my desired direction.
In this case we can not use “E(へ)”

We can exchange almost “E(へ)” to “Ni(に).
But we can not exchange some “Ni(に)” to “E(へ)” .

OK, that it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!


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