Past Tense in Japanese / Tabemashita / たべました

Basic Japanese

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

Do you enjoy Pyeong Chang Olympic?
I watch the games on TV everyday.

I am interested in the curling.
Satsuki Fujisawa, a member of Japanese woman curling team, is getting popular in Korean.
I have read the news she is chosen as “The 10 beautiful woman who shoots a man’s heart” by Korean media.

Today I would like to introduce past tense in Japanese.


Today’s pattern is the following.
The affirmative form: Verb + mashita
The negative form: Verb + masendeshita

Let’s make some examples.

Watashi Wa Terebi Wo Mimasu
I watch TV program.

Watashi Wa Terebi Wo Mimashita
I watched TV program.

Watashi Wa Terebi Wo Mimasen
I don’t watch TV program.

Watashi Wa Terebi Wo Mimasendeshita
I didn’t watch TV program.

Anata Wa Osushi Wo Tabemashita
You ate Sushi.

Anata Wa Osushi Wo Tabemasendeshita
You didn’t eat Sushi.

Kare Wa Tokyo E Ikimashita
He went to Tokyo.

Kare Wa Tokyo E Ikimasendeshita
He didn’t go to Tokyo.

Watashi Wa Tenisu Wo Shimashita
I played tennis.

Watashi Wa Tenisu Wo Shimasendeshita
I didn’t play tennis.

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!



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