Climate Expressions | 天候の表現

Basic Japanese

I will introduce Climate Expressions in Japanese.

Japanese language has various expressions to describe the weather and climate conditions. This guide provides an overview of the basic, advanced, and specialized climate expressions.

Basic Climate Expressions

The basic climate expressions include the following:

  • 晴れ (hare) – sunny
  • 曇り (kumori) – cloudy
  • 雨 (ame) – rain
  • 雪 (yuki) – snow
  • 風 (kaze) – wind
  • 暑い (atsui) – hot
  • 寒い (samui) – cold

These expressions are commonly used to describe the daily weather conditions.

Advanced Climate Expressions

The advanced climate expressions are used to describe more specific weather conditions. These expressions include:

  • 霧 (kiri) – fog
  • 霧雨 (kirisame) – drizzle
  • 豪雨 (gouu) – heavy rain
  • にわか雨 (niwaka ame) – sudden rain
  • 雷 (kaminari) – thunder
  • 雷雨 (raiu) – thunderstorm
  • 台風 (taifuu) – typhoon
  • 暴風雨 (boufuuu) – storm

These expressions are often used in weather forecasts and news reports.

Specialized Climate Expressions

The specialized climate expressions are used to describe unique weather conditions in specific regions or situations. These expressions include:

  • 梅雨 (tsuyu) – rainy season (June to July)
  • 熱帯夜 (nettaiya) – tropical night (when the temperature doesn’t fall below 25°C at night)
  • 霜 (shimo) – frost
  • 真冬日 (mafuyubi) – midwinter day (when the temperature doesn’t rise above 0°C during the day)
  • 極寒 (gokkan) – extreme cold

In conclusion, Japanese has a wide range of climate expressions to describe weather and climate conditions. By learning these expressions, you can better understand the weather forecasts and communicate about weather-related topics in Japanese.


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