Subject + Verb / Onsen Ni Hairu / I take an Onsen.

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

Have you been to Onsen(おんせん), Japanese hot spring?
Onsen is one of popular place for foreign and also Japanese travelers.
Onsen is a public bath but it is not only large bath.

Onsen is a place to cure the disease.
Each Onsen has each efficacy.
People who have injury or pain use to stay at an Onsen place for a several days and take an Onsen many times a day.

When you visit Onsen, you try to take a Onsen many times a day.
You can have very relax time.

And you can have good meals and have many fun there.
Recently Japanese Onsen Hotels have many events for family customers having small children.
And they have a buffet style meal where you can choose various type of Japanese foods, like Sushi(すし), Tenpura(てんぷら), Soba(そば) and Ramen(ラーメン).

When you have silent and relax time at Onsen, you should choose Japanese style Hotel ,Ryokan(りょかん).
When you stay at a good Ryokan, you can enjoy Japanese hospitality.

When we take a Onsen, we will say ” Watashi Wa Onsen Ni Hairu(わたしはおんせんにはいる。)” in Japanese.
“Hairu(はいる)” means “go into”.

Today I will introduce some Japanese verbs.
Let’s get started.

Hairu (はいる): go into/enter

Watashi Wa Ohuro Ni Hairu
I take a bath.

Watashi Wa Daigaku Ni Hairu
I enter an university.

Taberu(たべる): eat

Watashi Wa Suteeki Wo Taberu
I eat steak.

Watashi Wa Sushi Wo Taberu
I eat sushi.

Nomu(のむ): drink

Watashi Wa Biiru Wo Nomu
I drink a glass of beer.

Watashi Wa Osake Wo Nomu
I drink a cup of Japanese Sake.

Iku(いく): go

Watashi Wa Resutoran Ni Iku
I go to a restaurant.

Watashi Wa Doubutsuen Ni Iku
I go to a zoo.

Kaeru(かえる): go back

Watashi Wa Amerika Ni Kaeru
I go back to the US.

Watashi Wa Ie Ni Kaeru
I go home.

Miru(みる): look/watch

Watashi Wa Eiga Wo Miru
I watch a movie.

Watashi Wa Shashin Wo Miru
I watch the photo.

Yomu(よむ): read

Watashi Wa Hon Wo Yomu
I read a book.

Watashi Wa Manga Wo Yomu
I read Japanese comics.

Tanoshimu(たのしむ) : enjoy

Watashi Wa Kabuki Wo Tanoshimu
I enjoy Kabuki.

Watashi Wa Anime Wo Tanoshimu
I enjoy animations.

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!


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