Drug Store / Yakyoku / やっきょく

Basic Japanese

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

Today I would like to introduce some phrases used at a drug store.
There are many drug stores in Tokyo.
You can find 1 or 2 drug stores even around a small station.
And they are open late night around 8-10pm.
You can get drugs when you feel sick.
It is helpful for travelers.

You should know there are two kinds of drug store.
One doesn’t have pharmacists.
It is a normal drug store.
You can purchase various medicines for hay fever, headache or digestion.
Another has pharmacists and has some specific medicines.
But when the pharmacists are absent you can not purchase that specific medicines.

OK, let’s get started.

In the case that you know what medicine you purchase, you can use the below expression.

A Wo Kudasai
I will purchase A.

Kazegusuri Wo Kudasai
I will purchase cold medicine.

Zutsuyaku Wo Kudasai
I will purchase headache medication.

Loxonin (headache medication) can be purchased only at the drug store where pharmacists exist.

Loxonin Wo Kudasai
I will purchase Loxonin.

When you don’t know the nouns like “Kazegusuri(かぜぐすり)” or “Zutsuyaku(ずつうやく)” , you can use the below expression.

A No Kusuri Wo Kudasai
I will purchase a medicine for A.
Here A is the symptom you have.

Zutsu No Kusuri Wo Kudasai
I will purchase a medicine for headache.

Kahunnsho No Kusuri Wo Kudasai
I will purchase a medicine for hay fever.

Hakike No Kusuri Wo Kudasai
I will purchase a medicine for nausea.

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!



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