Expressions for the seasons | 季節の表現

Basic Japanese

In Japanese, relative expressions are often used to describe the change of seasons or natural phenomena. For example, when expressing the blooming status of cherry blossoms, the following expressions are commonly used:

  1. 満開 (man-kai) – full bloom
  2. 開花 (kai-ka) – blooming
  3. 五分咲き (go-bu-zaki) – halfway bloomed
  4. 三分咲き (san-bu-zaki) – 30% bloomed
  5. 開花前夜 (kai-ka-zen-ya) – the night before blooming
  6. 散り始め (chi-ri-hajime) – petals falling off has started
  7. 散り中 (chi-ri-naka) – petals are falling off
  8. 満開寸前 (man-kai-sun-zen) – about to be in full bloom
  9. つぼみ (tsubo-mi) – buds
  10. 開花宣言 (kai-ka-sen-gen) – announcement of blooming dates

Here are some expressions for the seasons.

  1. 春 (haru) – spring
  2. 夏 (natsu) – summer
  3. 秋 (aki) – autumn / fall
  4. 冬 (fuyu) – winter

In addition, there are also words related to each season.

春 (haru) – spring

  • 桜 (sakura) – cherry blossoms
  • 新緑 (shin-ryoku) – fresh green leaves
  • 芽吹き (me-buki) – sprouting of new buds
  • 温かい (atataka-i) – warm
  • 風が強い (kaze ga tsuyoi) – windy

夏 (natsu) – summer

  • 海 (umi) – sea / ocean
  • 日焼け (hi-yake) – sunburn
  • キャンプ (kyanpu) – camping
  • ビーチ (biichi) – beach
  • 蚊 (ka) – mosquitoes

秋 (aki) – autumn / fall

  • 紅葉 (kou-yo) – autumn leaves changing colors
  • 収穫 (shuu-kaku) – harvest
  • 月見 (tsuki-mi) – moon viewing
  • さむい (samui) – cool
  • かぜがふく (kaze ga fuku) – windy

冬 (fuyu) – winter

  • 雪 (yuki) – snow
  • スキー (sukii) – skiing
  • こたつ (kotatsu) – heated table
  • クリスマス (kurisumasu) – Christmas
  • 寒い (samui) – cold


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