Season in Japanese / Haru Ga Kuru / はるがくる

Basic Japanese

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

Today Tokyo had spring storm.
Heavy rain and strong wind occurred together at mid night.
But it was warm in the daytime.
It is getting warm day by day.

Japanese feels spring coming by Sakura Zensen(さくらぜんせん) , Cherry blossom front.
It is refers to the advance of cherry blossom blooming area from south to north across Japan.
The period of cherry blossom blooming is very short.
It is one week or so.
Some news agencies forecast the date when cherry blossoms bloom.
It is important for Japanese to have Hanami(はなみ), outdoor party with watching cherry blossom.
“Hana(はな)” means flower, in this case cherry blossom.
“Mi(み)” means watching ,  short form of “Miru(みる)”.

Today’s topic is Season in Japanese.
Let’s get started.

“Someiyoshino(そめいよしの)” is one kind of cherry blossom.
“Someiyoshino(そめいよしの)” is a standard of Sakura Zensen(さくらぜんせん).

A forecast says Sakura Zensen will start from around 22th March at Kyushu and Tokyo
and it will end around 13th May at Hokkaido this year.
Japan is a long island from south to north.
If you have a chance, you should choose the travel area where cherry blossom will be blooming.
You can find where cherry blossom will bloom in your travel schedule by “Sakura Zensen(さくらぜんせん)”

Season : Kisetsu(きせつ)
Spring : Haru(はる)
Summer : Natsu(なつ)
Autumn : Aki(あき)
Winter : Fuyu(ふゆ)

Haru Wa Atatakai
Spring is warm.

Natsu Wa Atsui
Summer is hot.

Aki Wa Suzushii
Autumn is cool.

Fuyu Wa Samui
Winter is cold.

Haru Ga Kita
Spring  has come.

Japanese has event according to the seasons.

In spring Japanese has “Hanami(はなみ)” , an outdoor party.
We drink and eat under cherry blossom.

In summer we have “Matsuri(まつり)”
It is a kind of harvest festival.

In autumn we enjoy “Kouyou(こうよう)”.
“Kouyou(こうよう)” means “red autumn leaves”.
We go to mountain area to see “Kouyou(こうよう)”
We call it “Momijigari(もみじがり).
“Momiji(もみじ)” is a scarlet maple.

In winter…  Hmm.
It means dirink with watching snow.
We do “Yukimizake(ゆきみざけ)”  in “Onsen(おんせん)” , hot spring.
Unfortunately I have not do that.
That is a special situation.

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!



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