White Day in Japan / Mashmaro Wo Agemasu / マシュマロをあげます。

Basic Japanese

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

14th March is White Day in Japan.
Do you have Valentine’s Day and White Day in your country?
These are events in Japan and some Asian countries.
Women gives chocolate to their boy friends  at Valentine’s Day.
And Men gives a gift, basically sweets, to their girl friends at White Day.

White Day was Marshmallow Day at first.

An confection company, Ishimuramanseido, proposed this idea that a man gifts marshmallow to his girl friend on 14th March, one month after Valentine’s Day.

But there are some other stories of origin of White Day in Japan.

OK, Today’s topic is “Give” in Japanese.
Let’s get started.

Basic pattern of “Give” in Japanese is as follows.
A Wa B Ni C Wo Agemasu
A gives C to B.

A is a subject.
“Ni(に)” is a postpositional particle to indicate the direction.
B is an object of direction.
Cis an object.

A Wa B Ni C Wo Agemasu

Watashi Wa Kre Ni Choko Wo Agemasu
I give chocolate to him.

Kare Wa Kanojyo Ni Purezento Wo Agemasu
He gives a present to her.

Watashi Wa Douryou Ni Omiyage Wo Agemasu
I give some souvenirs to my colleagues.

Omiyage(おみやげ):  souvenir
Douryou(どうりょう) : colleague

Japanese leaves a subject out very often.
So you can say

Douryou Ni Omiyage Wo Agemasu
I give some souvenirs to my colleagues.

The question form of “Give” in Japanese is like below.

Kare Wa garu furendo Ni Mashumaro Wo Agemasu Ka
Does he give some marshmallow to his girl friend?

In the answer the subject is obvious , so you can leave the subject out.
It is more natural to leave the subject out in this case.

Hai Agemasu
Yes, he gives.

Iie Agemasen
No, he doesn’t give.

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!


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