Pyeong Chang Olympic / Yuzuru Hanyu / はにゅうゆずる

Japanese Culture

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

Today big news come from Korea.
Yuzuru Hanyu (はにゅうゆずる/羽生結弦) wins gold medal in men’s figure skating.
He wins gold medal twice consecutively on Olympic.
It is 66 years since the last it.

He is injured on last November.
He could not do enough practice for this 4 months.
His fans worried about his conditions.
But he did a very good short program and free figure skating.
That’s really exciting.

Today’s topics is Japanese first name.

He is named Yuzuru(ゆずる/結弦) by his father.
The kanji character “結” means “tighten”
And the kanji character “弦” means “bowstring”.
His father want him to live dignified life like strongly tightened bowstring.

Japanese name is made of kanji characters that have various meanings and sounds.
The parents name their children with their wish and will.
There are many books to make name.

Many parents use strokes fortune-telling.
They consider sound, kanji characters meaning and strokes.
And there are some fee-based services of naming.
It cost around a few thousand yen/ a few tens US dollars.
I used this service for my son and daughter for my reference.

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!


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