Hi, this is Yuyujin.
Congratulations, Sweden!
Finally Sweden wins Olympic’s gold medal of woman curling.
Korean team wins silver medal.
This is a first silver medal of woman curling in Asia countries.
Great job, Korean team.
Congratulations, Korea!
Today’s phrase is “Omedetougozaimasu(おめでとうございます。).
Let’s get started.

Omedetougozaimasu(おめでとうございます) is Congratulations in Japanese.
Omedetougozaimasu(おめでとうございます) is used like the following.
Kin Medaru Omedetougozaimasu
(きんメダル おめでとうございます。)
Congratulations on gold medal.
Go Shussan Omedetougozaimasu
(ごしゅっさん おめでとうございます。)
Congratulations having your new baby.
There is no “Ga( が)” or “Wa(は)” after “Kin Medaru(きんメダル)” and ” Go Shussan(ごしゅっさん)”.
The script like the following.
Goukaku Omedetouzosaimasu
(ごうかく おめでとうございます。)
Congratulations on your exam’s pass.
Thank you.
Go Kekkon Omedetougozaimasu
(ごけっこん おめでとうございます。)
Congratulations on your wedding.
Thank you.
OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!