Japanese Basic / 5. Greeting in Japanese にほんごであいさつ

5. Greeting in Japanese  にほんごであいさつ

Have you heard any greetings in Japanese?

Greeting and basic phrases in Japanese are introduced in this chapter.


1. Greeting in Japanese


  Nihongo Pronunciation Meaning
おはようOhayouGood morning.
おはようございますOhayougozaimasuGood morning.
こんばんはKonbanwaGood evening.
はじめましてHajimemashiteNice to meet you.
さようならSayounaraGood bye.
またあしたMata AshitaSee you tomorrow.
おやすみなさいOyasuminasaiGood night.
いってきますIttekimasuI’m leaving.
いってらっしゃいItterasshaiHave a good day.
ただいまTadaimaI’m home.
おかえりなさいOkaerinasaiWelcome home.


2. Basic phrases in Japanese


  Nihongo Pronunciation Meaning
ありがとうArigatouThank you.
ありがとうございますArigatougozaimasuThank you.
どういたしましてDouitashimashiteYou are welcome.
だいじょうぶDaijyoubuNo problem.
だいじょうぶですDaijyoubudesuNo problem.
いただきますItadakimasuThank you.(before eating)
ごちそうさまGochisousamaThank you.(after eating)
ごちそうさまでしたGochisousamadeshitaThank you.(after eating)
おつかれさまOtsukaresamaYou’ve got to be tired.
おつかれさまでしたOtsukaresamadeshitaYou’ve got to be tired.

“いただきます(Itadakimasu)” is a phrase spoken before eating.
“ごちそうさま(Gochisousama)” is a phrase spoken after eating.
I think there is not similar phrase in English.
The meaning is showing thanks to cooks.
Original meaning of “いただきます(Itadakimasu)” is ” I will have invaluable lives of  animals and/or plants of the food”.

There is not a similar phase of “おつかれさま(Otsukaresama)”  in English, too.
We use this phrase when we leave an office or when the colleague leaves the office.
The meaning of it is ” You’ve got to be a tired. (You did a good job.)”
It shows appreciation of the colleagues efforts.


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