Directive / Kosoado Kotoba / Kore Kudasai

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

This time I will introduce directive in Japanese.

The directive is “Kore” in the below sentence in the previous page.

Kore Kudasai (これください)
I will have this one.

Directive is useful in basic conversation.
Directive in Japanese is called Kosoado Kotoba.

Ko is in the word “Kore” (this).
So is in the word “Sore” (it).
A is in the word “Are” (that).
Do is in the word “Dore” (which).

Kosoado Kotoba

Kore Wa Amai Desu
This is sweet.

Sore Wa Amai Desu
It is sweet.

Are Wa Amai Desu
That is sweet.

Dore Ga Amai Desu Ka
Which one is sweet?

Kore is the thing that exists near.
Are is the thing that is apart from the speaker and the listener.
Sore is the thing that exists at middle range.
Dore is the word for question.

Kono Ringo Wa Amai Desu
This apple is sweet.

Sono Ringo Wa Amai Desu
The apple is sweet.

Ano Ringo Wa Amai Desu
That apple is sweet.

Dono Ringo Ga Amai Desu Ka
Which apple is sweet?

The distance sense of Kono, Sono and Ano is same as Kore, Sore and Are.
The next is directive of place.

Koko Wa Samui Desu
Here is cold.

Soko Wa Samui Desu
There is cold.

Asoko Wa Samui Desu
That place is cold.

Doko Ga Samui Desu Ka
Which place is cold?

The last one is directive of direction.

Kochira Wa Atsui Desu
This direction is hot.

Sochira Wa Atsui Desu
The direction is hot.

Achira Wa Atsui Desu
That direction is hot.

Dochira Ga Atsui Desu Ka
Which direction is hot?

Here is summary of direction in this page.



There are the other directives of adverb and adjective verb in Kosoado Kotoba.
I will introduce them any time.

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip.



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