To Qualify Noun / Akai Ringo / Red Apple

Basic Japanese

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

I would like to introduce the way to qualify the noun.
There are some qualifying ways of noun, ” I-Adjective + Noun”, ” Na-Adjective + Noun” and “Noun + Noun”.
From this lesson I will show you these 3 forms.
After the 3 lessons you can describe the world more colorful in Japanese.

I-Adjective + Noun

This time is ” I-Adjective + Noun”.
This is the most simple way to modify the noun.
This I-adjective can be used ” A Wa B Desu” (A = B ) expressions easily.

Akai RIngo (あかいりんご)
a red apple

“Akai” is I-adjective.

Ano Ringo Wa Akai Desu
The apple is red.

Aoi Sora (あおいそら)
blue sky

Kono Sora Wa Aoi Desu
This sky is blue.

Utsukushii Jyosei
a beautiful woman

Ano Jyosei Wa Utsukushii Desu
That woman is beautiful.

Oishii Suteeki
tasty steak

Kono Suteeki Wa Oishii Desu
This steak is delicious.

Here I will list up some I-adjectives.


Akai あかい : red
Aoi あおい : blue
Kiiroi きいろい : yellow
Kuroi くろい : black
Shiroi しろい : white

Size & Grade

Chiisai ちいさい : small
Ookii おおきい : big
Hiroi ひろい :  large/wide
Semai せまい : small/narrow
Takai たかい : high/expensive
Hikui ひくい : low
Yasui やすい : cheap


Oishii おいしい : tasty
Amai あまい : sweet
Karai からい : hot
Nigai にがい : bitter
Shoppai しょっぱい : salty
Utsukushii うつくしい : beautiful
Subarashii すばらしい : wonderful
Tadashii ただしい : right/correct

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!



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