Japanese Word Bank 46-120 words

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

Here I would like to summarize the basic Japanese words.
This is the 2nd summary.
The word No.46 – No.120.

Let’s get started.

Gohan ごはん: rice
Mizu みず: water
Koshou こしょう: peppar
Satou さとう: sugar
Shio しお: salt
Shouyu しょうゆ: soy sauce
Suteeki ステーキ: steak
Ryouri  りょうり: dish
Budou ブドウ: grape
Banana ばなな: banana
Remon レモン: lemon
Hito ひと: person
Jyosei じょせい: woman
Dansei だんせい: man
Kodomo こども: child
Sora そら: sky
Hana はな: flower
Basho ばしょ: place
Heya へや: room
Mise みせ: store
Houhou ほうほう: method

Aoi あおい: blue
Akai あかい: red
Kiiroi きいろい: yellow
Kuroi くろい: black
Shiroi しろい: white

Atsui あつい: hot
Samuri さむい: cold
Kantanna かんたんな: easy
Jiyuuna じゆうな: free
Anzenna あんぜんな: safe
Kikenna きけんな: dangerous
Kiraina きらいな: hated
Sukina すきな: favorite
Shinsetuna しんせつな: kind
Teineina ていねいな: polite
Kaitekina かいてきな: comfortable
Taisetuna たいせつな: important
Tokubetsuna とくべつな: special
Yuumeina ゆうめいな: famous
Hitsuyouna ひつような: necessary
Huyouna ふような: unnecessary
Hiroi ひろい: large
Semai せまい: small
Subarashii すばらしい: wonderful
Henna へんな: strange
Shizukana しずかな: quiet
Urusai うるさい: loud
Iroirona いろいろな: various
Jyubunna じゅうぶんな: enough
Takai たかい: high,expensive
Hikui ひくい: low
Yasui やすい: cheap
Tadashii ただしい: right
Chiisai ちいさい: small
Ookii おおきい: big
Hubenna ふべんな: inconvenient
Benrina べんりな: convenient

Nani なに: what
Dare だれ: who
Donata どなた: who (polite)
Dore どれ: which
Ikura いくら: How much
Nanko なんこ: How many
Nansai なんさい: How old

Koko ここ: here
Soko そこ: there (middle)
Asoko あそこ: there (far)
Doko どこ: where
Kochira こちら: this direction
Sochira そちら: that direction (middle)
Achira あちら: that direction (far)
Dochira どちら: what direction

Kudasai ください: Give me

To と: and

You got 120 Japanese words.
You can describe a lot.

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!


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