New Year’s Visit to a Shinto shrine in Japan / 初詣

Japanese Culture
Hi, this isYuyujin.
A Happy New Year!
How is your new year day?


It was a beautiful and fine day today in Tokyo.


Blue Sky 青空

I visited to a Shrine for Hatsumode (はつもうで)with my family.

Hatsumode is New Year’s Visit to Shinto shrine.

Yoyogi Hachiman Jinjya  代々木八幡神社


 There was a line to pray. 

I waited for about 30 minutes.
After praying I got a special Sake called “Omiki(お神酒)”.

Hatsumode  初詣


My family drew fortune slips.
I got “good luck (吉)” and my son got “very good luck(大吉)”.

Fortune Slip おみくじ


I enjoyed the new year’s morning.

Have a happy new year!


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