12 zodiac animal signs| 干支(eto)

Japanese Culture

A Happy New Year!
This is Yuyujin.

Do you know Japanese 12 zodiac animal signs?

China and Japan use 12 zodiac animal signs.

Each year has a name of the year.

The last year is Year of Rat.

And this year’s 12 zodiac animal signs is Ox.

There are 12 zodiac signs, and the zodiac signs change in order every year.

In order, the 12 animals are: Rat (Ne/子), Ox (Ushi/丑), Tiger(Tora/寅), Rabbit (U/卯), Dragon (Tatsu/辰), Snake (Mi/巳), Horse (Uma/馬), Sheep (Hitsuji/未), Monkey (Saru/猿), Rooster/Chicken (Tri/), Dog (Inu/戌), Boar (I/亥).

We use the zodiac pattern on New Year’s cards.

It’s hard to meet friends, family and relatives this year, so it seems that more people are sending New Year’s cards.

We use the zodiac signs to tell the world of the year.

It is said that the year of the ox will be a year of “bearing” and “a harbinger of future development (buds)”.

Last year was a tough year with the new virus, but I hope it will be getting better from this year.


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