How long have you had a New Year’s holiday in your country?

Japanese Culture
Hi, this is Yuyujin.


How were your New Year Holidays?

This year we have very long new year holidays in Japan.
Someone take a day off from 29th December until 3rd January.
I take a day off from 29th December until 6th January.
I have 9 days off.


In Japan Xmas is not a holiday.


31th December is called “Oomisoka(大晦日)”
The days from 1st to 3rd January is called “Sanganichi(三が日)”.
These 4 days are basically new year holidays


This year 29th and 30th December were weekends.
So we have long new year holidays this year.


How long have you had a New Year’s holiday in your country?


Have a good day!


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