
Japanese Culture

Pyeong Chang Olympic / Yuzuru Hanyu / はにゅうゆずる

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Today big news come from Korea. Yuzuru Hanyu (はにゅうゆずる/羽生結弦) wins gold medal in men's figure ska...
Basic Japanese

Pyeong Chang Olympic / Ikemen Ikejyo / Good looking guy and woman

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Do you watch winter Olympic games in Korea? Yes, I watched a lot on TV. Last night I watched a...
Basic Japanese

Tokyo Olympic / Sore Wa Doko Desu Ka / Where is it?

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Tokyo Olympic will be held on 2020. It will be second time Olympic in Tokyo. There are 42 places t...
Basic Japanese

Winter Olympic / Sukii Wo Suru / I do skiing.

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Finally the winter Olympics started in Korea. There are various countries players. I fou...
Basic Japanese

Negative Form A=B / Amaku Arimasen / It is not sweet.

Hi, this is Yuyujin. In the previous lesson I introduced the negative form of A=B. Sore Wa Amaku Nai Desu (それはあまく...
Basic Japanese

Negative Form A=B / Amaku Nai Desu / It is not sweet.

Hi, this is Yuyujin. The previous lesson I introduced the negative form of "A=B" expression. This time I would like ...
Basic Japanese

A=B / A は B です。 / A Wa B Desu

Hi, this is Yuyujin. Here I would like to review "A = B" expression. And I would like to introduce the negative form...
Basic Japanese

Japanese Postpositional Particle Ga(が) / Anata Ga Suki / I like you.

Hi,this is Yuyujin. Today I would like to introduce another function of the postpositional particle "Ga(が)". In the ...
Basic Japanese

Japanese postpositional particle “Wo(を)” / Kore Wo Kudasai / Give me this.

Hi, this is Yuyujin. There are a lot of "Wo(を)" in the previous lesson. Kore Wo Kudasai (これをください。) I will have t...
Basic Japanese

Ramen in Pakistan / Irashaimase / Welcome

Hi, this is Yuyujin. This morning I watched a TV program about tourists to Japan.It introduced various tourists.Each...
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