How to book a restaurant online in Japan

Useful tips

Hi, this is Yuyujin.
Today I would like to introduce “How to book a restaurant online in Japan”.
It is difficult for foreigners to book restaurants in Japanese by phone.

But it is a shame that you can’t enjoy Japanese meals just because you can’t make a reservation over the phone.
Today I would like to introduce “How to book a restaurant via a web page in Japan”.
The service is 一休 (Ikyu) and
the web page is here (

Since this web page is based on Japanese.
But it’s OK.
I will teach you step by step.


Prepare Google Chrome web browser first.
Prepare your information ready next.
– Your name in the alphabet.
– Your phone number that can be used in Japan
– Your e-mail address
You will input them when booking.

Access 一休(Ikyu) page

Access the Ikyu page here ( .
This page is written in Japanese.
But Google Chrome web browser translates it into your language.
In this example, I will translate it into English.

After accessing the Ikyu page, you will click the Chrome browser menu as shown in the picture below.

Pull down the menu and click “Translate”.

Choose your language from the choices at the bottom.

With Google Chrome’s translation feature, you can read web pages in your language.
If you change the page, it will sometimes return to the original Japanese, but at that time, translate again.

Enter search conditions

You can set conditions such as location, date, time, number of people and type of meal.

Clicking on the location menu will bring up the page below.
Click a candidate location to select them.

Click on the menu for the type of meal and the following page will appear.
Click on the type of meal to choose.

If you set conditions such as location, date, type of meal, it will be like the photo below.
Finally, click the “Search” button.
Then the proposed restaurant will be displayed.

Choose a restaurant

When you search, you will see some restaurant suggestions.
Select a restaurant and click the “See plans you can book” button to select a course.

Choose a cooking course

In this case, the only option was to reserve a seat only.
You can order your meal at the restaurant on the day.

In this case, you only need to reserve a seat.
Detailed information will be displayed.
Click “Proceed to reservation” and enter the required information for the reservation.

Book the restaurant

Clicking on “Proceed to reservation” will take you to a page where you can enter the information needed for the reservation.

Enter the name, phone number and email address you prepared first here.
The information in this photo is an example.

Click the “Confirm reservation” button to make a reservation.
Then you will receive a reservation confirmation email.
Enjoy your meal in Japan!


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