A=B / This is an Apple.

Hi, this is Yuyujin.
The next step is the expression “B “.
This is a useful phrase and important for the next step.

A  Wa B Desu (ABです。)

This expression means = B(A is B) .

The word having “Wa” function does not exist in English.

A Wa” is a pair of meaning.
And ” B Desu” is another pair of meanig.

In this lesson please memorize the pattern “A Wa B Desu” means “A

I will show you some examples.


Kore Wa Ringo Desu (これはりんごです。)
This expression means “This is an Apple.”
“Kore” means this.

Ringo(りんご) :  apple

Are Wa Orenji Desu (あれはオレンジです。)
This expression means “That is an orange.”
“Are” means that.

Orenji(オレンジ) : orange

Watashi Wa John Desu (わたしはジョンです。)
This expression means “I am John.”
“Watashi” means I.
Watashi Wa Americajin Desu (わたしはアメリカじんです。)
This expression means ” I am an American.”
Americajin (アメリカじん) :  American


Anata Wa Chuugokujin Desu (あなたはちゅうごくじんです。)

This expression means ” You are Chinese.”
Anata means you.
Chuugokujin (ちゅうごくじん) : Chinese

How do you think?
Yes, it is easy.
A Wa B Desu” (です。) expression is convenient.
The above expression” A Wa B Desu” is used in the case A (noun) = B (noun).
But this “A Wa B Desu” expression can be used in the case A (noun) = B(adjective).

Let’s look some examples.

Watashi Wa Wakai Desu (わたしはわかいです。)

This expression means ” I am young.”.
Watashi (わたし): I
Wakai (わかい) : young

Ringo Wa Amai Desu (りんごはあまいです。)
This expression means ” An apple is sweet.”.
Ringo (りんご) : apple

Amai (あまい) : sweet

OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!


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