Hi, this is Yuyujin.
Today I would like to introduce a Shrine that enshrined the god of learning.
It is Shoin Shrine (松陰神社) in Tokyo.
Shoin Shrine| 松陰神社
Shoin Shrine is a shrine dedicated to Yoshida Shoin.
Shoin Yoshida is called the god of learning.
From Shoin Shrine Mae Station on the Setagaya Line, go through the shopping street and you will see Shoin Shrine on your left.
The Setagaya Line is a cute 2-car train, so please try it.

Approach| 参道
The approach continues straight from the torii gate to the shrine.

Chozuya| 手水舎
There is a Chozuya on the left in front of the shrine.
At Chozuya (手水舎) you need to clean your hands before praying.

Shrine| 御社殿
Each shrine has a different taste.
Shoin Shrine has a calm, simple and sturdy atmosphere.

There is a statue of Mr. Shoin Yoshida on the way to the approach.

Shokasonjuku| 松下村塾
Shoin Yoshida is an educator who was active in the changing times from the Edo period to the present.
The Edo period is the age of samurai.
He is a scholarly thinker who wants to absorb new ideas from the West in an era of change from the samurai era.
Young people with many aspirations gathered under Shoin Yoshida to study academics.
He opened a cram school called Shokasonjuku.

Yoshida Shoin Cemetery| 吉田松陰墓所
There is an approach to the Yoshida Shoin Cemetery on the left side in front of shrine.

The tomb of Shoin Yoshida is enshrined along with the tombs of comrades who were active in the same period.

In the precincts, there are 32 stone lanterns dedicated by relatives such as Shoin Yoshida’s students.

Access to Shoin Shrine is convenient from Shoin Shrine Mae Station on the Tokyu Setagaya Line.
You can change trains from Sangenjaya Station on the Denen-toshi Line, Gotokuji Station on the Odakyu Line, and Shimotakaido Station on the Keio Line.
It is about a 3-minute walk from Shoin Shrine Mae Station.
After passing through the shopping street with various cafes and restaurants, you will see Shoin Shrine on your left.
There is a coin parking lot right next to it, so you can park your car.

A cute 2-car train Setagaya Line.
