A = B ? / Is this an apple?

Hi, this is Yuyujin.

Today I will introduce basic question form in Japanese.
I will simplify the grammatical things but this is useful at actual situation for travelers.

Let’s get started.


A Wa B Desu Ka(AはBですか。)


AWa B Desu”  is A= Bexpression.
The question form of ” A Wa B Desu” is ” AWa B Desu Ka”
A Wa BDesu Ka” means ” Is A B?”
The difference is only the last word ” Ka”.
It is pretty easy.

“Ka” at the end of the sentence in Japanese likes question mark “?”.
Additionally you raise the pitch of the “Ka” voice slightly.

OK, let’s look some examples.

Is this an apple?

Kore Wa Ringo Desu Ka
Here A is “Kore” (this) and B is ” Ringo” (an apple).

Are you Japanese?
Anata Wa Nihonjin Desu Ka
Here A is “Anata” (you) and B is ” Nihonjin” (Japanese).

Is it sweet?
Sore Wa Amai Desu Ka
Here A is “Sore” (it) and B is “Amai” (sweet).

Is that tasty?
Are Wa Oishii Desu Ka
Here A is “Are” (that) and B is “Oishii” (tasty).

There are many times you would like to know the thing’s name and the price during the trip.
You can also use  this “A = B? ” form in that case.

“Nani (なに)” is what and ” Ikura (いくら)” is how much.
So you can question like below.

What is that?
Are Wa Nani Desu Ka

How much is it?
Sore Wa Ikura Desu Ka

“Nani (なに)” is used to question the thing’s name and what it is.
“Dare (だれ)” is used to question who the person is.

Who is he?
Kare Wa Dare Desu Ka

“Dare (だれ)” is not proper to question the name of the person in front of you.

Who are you?
Anata Wa Dare Desu Ka

The above sentence is grammatically correct but sounds somehow blunt.
But it is acceptable when Japanese beginners use it.
The proper sentence is as below.

Anata Wa Donata Desu Ka
This is polite form of ” Who you are?”
“Donata (どなた)” is polite form of who.

“Nansai (なんさい)” is how old and ” Nanko (なんこ)” is how many.

How old are you?
Anata Wa Nansai Desu Ka

How many apples are there?
Ringo Wa Nanko Desu Ka

How about today’s lesson?
Till today’s lesson you can enjoy Japanese in your trip a lot.
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OK, that’s it.
Thank you so much.
Have a good trip!



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