Tokyo Metropolitan Government Observatory

Japanese Attraction

Hi, this is Yuyujin.
Today I would like to introduce a scenic place in Tokyo.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Observatory is a tourist spot in Shinjyuku Tokyo.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office is about a 10-minute walk from Shinjuku Station West Exit, and there is a rapid elevator to the observatory on the first floor.
Take the rapid elevator and you can see the view 202 meters above the ground from the observatory.

It is often crowded during the daytime on weekends and is relatively free on weekday nights.
We use the dedicated elevator to go the observatory, so the waiting row goes ahead relatively quickly.
Admission is free.
There is a simple baggage inspection before getting on the elevator.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government office at night
Tokyo Metropolitan Government office at daytime

From the observation room, you can look around the city of Tokyo.
If you visit at night and look south, you will see Shibuya, there is a purely black space in the urban neon.
It is Yoyogi Forest with Meiji Jingu Shrine and Yoyogi Park.
Until I noticed that it was Yoyogi Forest, I was surprised at the black area that was vacant in the light of downtown.
It’s a great contrast.

Yoyogi Forest in the urban neon

There are windows in various directions in the observation room.
You can see the various aspects of the Tokyo city.
There is a space for souvenirs and cafe.
In the evening there are relatively few people who are tourists or couples who are enjoying themselves.

There are various things in the souvenir space.
There are souvenirs that foreign tourists may be interested in

There was a souvenir of a beckoning cat, Maneki neko.

Of course there are also Tokyo Olympic goods.

If the weather is poor, such as the rainy season, the view will be worse, so please be careful.
Please be careful as it seems that information such as the closing of the observation room is being sent on Twitter of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Rainy day


The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office is about a 10-minute walk from Shinjuku Station West Exit.
Tokyo Metropolitan Observatory is accessible from the dedicated elevator on the first floor of Tokyo Metropolitan Government.


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